Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A small tribute / mention to Macromedia Homesite. RIP.

boo hoo. Homesite is dead.

I chose Homesite over tools like Hot Dog Professional (woo hoo) and Incontext WebSpider (I think) well over a decade and a bit ago. I still have a fully-licensed version of Homesite 4.0 upgraded to 5.5 . With its sister product, ColdFusion Studio, it got me on the path to effective HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ColdFusion development.


Ok. back to my current dev tools like Eclipse, Dreamweaver, MS Visual Studio et al.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Microsoft Webinar: Creating 3D in Silverlight

I'll be doing a one hour discussion and demo on implementing 3D in a Microsoft Silverlight application. If you are interested in registering for the live webinar, it takes place this Wednesday, May 11th. More information can be found by clicking here or using the full link - http://tinyurl.com/ntgsilverlight3d .

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Interesting article on the "the needs of the haters"

While I work on another blog entry...

John Dowdell works at Adobe and wrote an interesting article "The needs of the haters" discussing how people have dissed Flash without an underlying valid reason - the abuse primarily comes from users who have only seen Flash in the form of banner ads or small animations.

Read more here at http://blogs.adobe.com/jd/2009/04/the_needs_of_the_haters.html#comments

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Microsoft Webinar Presentation: Intro to Silverlight Workflow

So for many years, I have been into Flash (and more recently, Flex) development, having used the tools since well, 1995 (that's pretty old school). Although I do more instruction now-a-days vs. development, I do investigate as part of my profession other Rich Internet Application (RIA) technologies.

Recently I did a live webinar presentation on the workflow for Microsoft Silverlight development using Expression Blend 2.0 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008 with the Silverlight 2 Toolkit installed. It was well received, and if you want to watch the recording of the webinar, you can take a look at it by clicking here, or visiting the full link - http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032404580&Culture=en-CA

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where have I been...Adobe RoboHelp Stuff

Its 2009. Again, I am a little slow with my own blog entries, but you'll have to forgive me because 2008 was a watershed year for my personal life. But that's another story for another day :)

Since the last blog entry, I installed Adobe CS4, then uninstalled it (and waiting for a number of improvements to its somewhat bloated interface) and returned to CS3. I have worked with Silverlight 2 stuff, helped work out some exercises for Adobe's Flash Media Server Course, and taught a large number of Flex and Cairngorm classes. Teaching's been keeping me busy.

On the technical side of things, I recently created a course for RoboHelp Server & RoboSource Control, two products that work with Adobe RoboHelp HTML.

RoboHelp Server allows you to manage Help Systems with a centralized searching system and metrics capabilities that allow you to measure statistics concerning published help systems, such as what is the most frequently searched help topic. RoboSource Control is a version-control system, similar to Microsoft SourceSafe. And if you have not heard of RoboHelp, well it creates Help Systems. If you have ever had to look up a help system in any program, chances are it was created with a tool such as RoboHelp. In my world, RoboHelp is just a Dreamweaver editor that is basically geared towards producing help systems that feature functions such as indexes and glossaries.

The challenge was to get RoboHelp Server up and running for a client, as well as getting the RoboSource Server and client components working, and then demonstrate how to finally get them all up and running together with RoboHelp 7 HTML for help authoring. Suffice it to say a large amount of work involved configuring MS SQL Server 2005 to work nicely with both RoboHelp Server and RoboSource Control. After numerous re-installs on other PCs and permission setting changes, I got everything to work quite nicely, and with few changes, it worked well on the client's machines as well.

Alright enough for now. Getting back to work.