Well, I downloaded and installed Eclipse Europa edition (J2EE, 3.3.x edition) and proceeded to install Adobe Flex Builder 2.0.1 plug-in/SDK edition. Turns out that the Flex Builder install does not recognize Europa. The message is seen here.
So, I guess I am downloading Eclipse classic, and hopefully the install of Flex 2.x will run smoothly.
All of this is being installed on top of Windows Vista, running the J2SDK 1.6.2.
I also tried Eclipse "Classic" 3.3 edition (still looks like Europa, so I am supposing, not reading all the version names, that the J2EE version and the classic version are based on the same build) and again, installation of Flex did now work.
So now, I retrieved the 3.1.2 archived version of Eclipse. Let's see how that goes.
another update
Well, it appears that Flex Builder 2.0.1 works only with Eclipse 3.1.x. That's unfortunate. Now I have three installs of Eclipse. lol.
(yet) another update
I am just responding to Ryan Stewart's (from Adobe) comment about the fact he has Flex Builder installed on Eclipse Europa! I am not surprised, as I am sure that there must be a way to get it installed. But the installer does not seem to get me any farther (I tried the installation again on Europa, and got the same result).
Final Update
I got a response again from Ryan - he mentioned that in fact, he was using Flex 3 beta on Eclipse Europa (smile). So, in fact, Flex Builder 2.0.1 does not install on Eclipse Europa (at least until someone says otherwise again). So I will install Flex 3 Beta on my Europa build of Eclipse and confirm that it works - and I will also try Ryan's suggestion of implementing multiple SDKs (i.e. Flex 2.0.x and Flex 3) into the beta - that should streamline my system a little bit!
Who did you hear that it only works on 3.1 from? I could swear that I'm running 2.0.1 on Europa with no issues.
Not calling you a liar, I just want to help because I'm loving Europa.
Hi Ryan –
Nice to see you are reading my recently resurrected blog (I was going to leave it and start a whole new one, since I have been too busy to update it. I decided to use it as a dev journal instead)
I love Europa as well. If you see the screen shots I posted, you will note that Flex Builder prevents me from continually installing itself onto my Europa builds of Eclipse.
I keep getting the message “Please choose an Existing Eclipse Folder”. Of course, I chose the existing Eclipse folder, the one with Eclipse.exe and the configuration folder in it.
As well, I was google searching around, and I think I saw a link about it at bugs.adobe.com, would have to look it up again.
Now if there is a workaround to make it install, I would be happy to know how it is implemented!
I've just got the same thing - rather unfortunate. I'm a software development student and I've bought both Flex 2 and Expression Studio this summer. The plan was that it would all fall together just in time for the school year with Europa being released in late june. After purchasing both, the Expression Studio CD wasn't printed correctly and I had to spend a few months trying to get a replacement which didn't work. After looking into this, it seems that Microsoft's solution to this known set of bad discs (the put the wrong volume label on them and it won't install) is to *get another disc* or copy files around using xcopy and then installing from harddrive.
Then Flex apparently doesn't work with the new Europa release - after I spent a night compiling it from source. Frankly, I'm not impressed with either company at this point and I think I'll stick with Eclipse before bending over backwards for Adobe and Microsoft. I'm fairly sure the bitter taste in my mouth will come back next time I'm deciding which IDE to use for a project.
Sorry for the rant, I was trying to lookup a way to get around my install CD not working for Flex after blowing $100 on a coaster. I've blown another $100 on a 2 piece coaster set from Microsoft and I suspect it's the last time I'll be buying software from either company. Nothing seems to ship in a state that's of much use to me other than open source, at this time.
I have Eclipse Europa and I was trying to install the Flex Builder 2 . It gives me the same error taht was reported on the blog erliar. "could not find eclipse.exe or configuration folder".
Having the same issue. Perhaps Ryan had Flex Builder already installed when he upgraged to Europa.
So far, no dice trying to install on a fresh copy.
Hi folks -
Sorry I have not responded to all the posted messages in a while. My solution for maintaining Flex Builder 2.0.1 install is not to use Europa, but instead keep Flex Builder 2.0.1 with a separate non-Europa Eclipse Build. So now I have several copies of Eclipse, for different forms of development. Not too efficient for Hard Drive space, but its working for now. As well, this allows me to keep my Flex 3 beta 3 in a separate Eclipse build to avoid potential plug-in and resource conflicts.
This might be of help to everyone:
You can also try installing Flex 3 on Eclipse Europa 3. I forgot my source link, but I read that you can pick which Flex SDK to work with in Flex 3/Eclipse 3.3. Just download the Flex 2 SDK, and configure it so that you use the Flex 2 SDK for development
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