Monday, December 17, 2007

And more in-between posts...Blaze DS shows up, an open-source Flex Data Service!

As an instructor of Flex, I have often taught students who work at organizations who use Flex, but not Flex Data Services (recently rebranded as Flex Live Cycle Data Services -really, they should have a shorter name for it). The reason they do not use Flex Data Services is usually a) price and b) the proprietary nature of the server.

Well it seems both points have now been addressed.

Just over the weekend, Adobe released BlazeDS, and according to the website, the description reads as follows:

"BlazeDS is the server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology that enables developers to easily connect to back-end distributed data and push data in real-time to Adobe® Flex™ and Adobe AIR™ applications for more responsive rich Internet application (RIA) experiences."

Furthermore, it appears to now have open source and licensing origins...

"Adobe is announcing its plans to contribute the proven BlazeDS technologies to the community under the LGPL v3. BlazeDS gives the rapidly growing Adobe developer community free access to the powerful remoting and messaging technologies developed by Adobe.

Concurrent with this prerelease of BlazeDS, Adobe is publishing the AMF binary data protocol specification, on which the BlazeDS remoting implementation is based, and is committed to partnering with the community to make this protocol available for every major server platform. The source code will be available for download early 2008. Please read the FAQ for further details on BlazeDS and Adobe’s open source plans."

Check it out at .

2 comments: said...

forgive me for sounding nieve (I am) but right now, I get LiveCycle Data Services Express (limited to 1non clustered CPU) for free with ColdFusion 8... So why do I need Blaze DS ?

If I want to use PHP as a backend instead of ColdFusion is that why I would switch to Blaze DS?

Also, does this mean that web hosts will start implementing Blaze DS as part of thier standard packages.

I'm not a huge developer, just my own little shop and may of my clients (even those that have in house servers) prefer to use web hosts for thier web sites (even those with enterprise functionality) because of the general security offered by the hosting companies.

I wish some people would address the concerns of the "small frys" like me.

judge said...

I have the same intrigue. I've talked to the tech director at Flex Camp recently, he said Blaze DS is the alternative to the expensive Live Cycle DS. I think your theory is close. BlazeDS can be deployed onto many Java Servers, which might could be running PHP as it's application server. Usually, PHP is run on Apache, and I don't know that BlazeDS can be deployed on that. Live Cycle's power comes from clustering and utilizing multiple CPU's, and that's when it gets expensive.
But I don't know if it's better ( as well as cheaper ) to go with Blaze on a Java Server, or pony up for LiveCycle Enterprise... Or can BlazeDS be deployed on a CF server? Any answers would be appreciated, as has been said, until our apps/sites make it big, we can't all dish out the dough for the Data Dynamite.
-Deep Fried and Frantic