Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Flash CS3 9.0.2 update with FLVPlayback that uses H.264 Video
Released this week, the new Flash CS3 Professional Update (to version 9.0.2) includes updates to the FLVPlayback component to support H.264 video, and provides support for Flash Lite 3 Update inFlash CS3 Professional, and all Debug and Release versions of this new Adobe Flash Player.
So here is my little tutorial on using the new FLVPlayback Component with H.264 video. This assumes that you downloaded the updates mentioned above (available at if your Adobe Updater does not notify you automatically)
1. Launch Flash CS3 Professional. Choose New Flash AS3 document from the Start Page.
2. Create two new layers in the Timeline Panel. Call the top layer actions and call the bottom layer flvPlayBack.
3. Open the Components Panel (Window > Components). Drag and drop an instance of the new FLVPlayback Component.
4. Name your FLVPlayback Component in the Properties Panel/Inspector. I called it myFLVPlayback for simplicity. Set the height and width of the component to an appropriate percentage size based on your video. For example, 1080P means (roughly) 1080 wide by 1920 high. I used a percentage value (75) of the original size to fit reasonably on the screen.
5. Grab a sample video that is H.264 encoded. I used a sample from the movie Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest that supports 1080p.
The file was a whopping 126,807 KB (just to say I can do it).
Flash CS3 might pop up an error dialog box indicating that it cannot import the file, but you can ignore it (unless there is an encoding issue with the video, of course).
6. Select Frame 1 of the actions layer, and launch the Actions Panel (Window > Actions).
7. Save your Flash authoring file with a straight-forward filename, like FLVPlayback_H264_test.fla.
8. To test your movie, simply preview it in Flash CS3 (ctrl-enter for windows, cmd-enter for Macs).
9. Voila! Publish Preview your movie (File > Publish Preview > Default (HTML) )
Bonus...Play around with the fullScreenSkin.swf as well to test full screen capability!
Monday, December 17, 2007
And more in-between posts...Blaze DS shows up, an open-source Flex Data Service!
Well it seems both points have now been addressed.
Just over the weekend, Adobe released BlazeDS, and according to the website, the description reads as follows:
"BlazeDS is the server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology that enables developers to easily connect to back-end distributed data and push data in real-time to Adobe® Flex™ and Adobe AIR™ applications for more responsive rich Internet application (RIA) experiences."
Furthermore, it appears to now have open source and licensing origins...
"Adobe is announcing its plans to contribute the proven BlazeDS technologies to the community under the LGPL v3. BlazeDS gives the rapidly growing Adobe developer community free access to the powerful remoting and messaging technologies developed by Adobe.
Concurrent with this prerelease of BlazeDS, Adobe is publishing the AMF binary data protocol specification, on which the BlazeDS remoting implementation is based, and is committed to partnering with the community to make this protocol available for every major server platform. The source code will be available for download early 2008. Please read the FAQ for further details on BlazeDS and Adobe’s open source plans."
Check it out at .Tuesday, December 11, 2007
So... in between Posts, BRIO shows up.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Installing and Configuring Flex Live Cycle Data Services, Tomcat 6.x, and ColdFusion 8 : Background
There were a number of reasons I began to explore configuring LCDS/FDS2 with other J2EE servers.
One reason was that I could not get a stand-alone version of JRun with Updater 6 to run on Windows Vista. To note, I could install JRun 4.x with the SP1 update onto Vista, but I could not install the SP6 updater. The installation of Updater 6 would halt mid-way through, and updater 6 is required to run LCDS/FDS2.
I suppose I could have tried to install LCDS/FDS2 with the integrated JRun option on Windows Vista, but this leads me to my second reason to try and configure LCDS/FDS2; not all business clients run integrated JRun services. The clientele I work with (and the students I teach Flex to) may be using an in-house J2EE server such as Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere, or Sun Microsystem's new GlassFish Server (In particular, I will be writing about GlassFish Server in a later blog entry). I am not knocking JRun, its a good J2EE Server, but you need to keep your clients happy!
A third reason is that clients, consultants, and developers using LCDS/FDS2 with their applications may need not only to know how to get LCDS/FDS2 configured with their J2EE servers, they may need to tweak settings appropriately. I know that on the Adobe Web site there is a "Flex Test-Drive Server" available, and it is a pre-configured Tomcat Server running FDS2, but the information provided focuses more on developing applications with Flex and Java then the actual configuration itself. I do recommend that you do explore the article itself anyway as it will give some details on the requirements to set up LCDS/FDS2 with Tomcat - see, and credits should go to Christophe Coenraets, whose blog entries I also used as a point of reference (visit his site - .
Therefore in my upcoming blog entries I am going to attempt to do the following:
Install and configure Tomcat for LCDS/FDS2
Install LCDS (or FDS2, it will be the same process) on Tomcat.
Set up web services and messaging services on Tomcat (this was required for my courses , and good for local development for testing Flex code that access web services, uses messaging or data synchronization)
Set up ColdFusion 8 on Tomcat (also required for my courses that I teach as a potential back-end).
Alright, I am done for now. BRB with the next entry.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Searching for the disappearing "run as" and "debug as" buttons on Flex 2 plug-in install.
I was beginning to record some of my exercises that I use to teach Flex (to save some time in previewing it live, as well as it being handy when I do online teaches of Flex). I keep on forgetting the fact that on my installation of the plug-in version of Flex Builder 2 on Eclipse 3.1.2 standard has its "run as" and "debug as" buttons missing!
So where are the buttons, or more precisely, how to enable them?
- Switch between Development Perspective and Debug Perspective. The Run As and Debug As Buttons show up!
- Make a copy of the debug perspective, call it Development2.
- Remove unneccessary views (debug, variables, breakpoints, expressions) from the Development2 perspective.
- Delete the Development perspective (optional)
- Rename the Development2 perspective back to Development (if you deleted the missing buttons version)
and voila! buttons are back.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
On Another Note, "MovieStar" Flash Player Announced
So...I can talk a little bit now about the press release from Adobe regarding an upgraded Flash Player. Its going to support H.264 natively (nice) in addition to recent improvements to support native hardware acceleration and the now famous full-screen update.
These are technologies that are equivalent found in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. So Adobe is entering the hi-def arena.
The beta should be available in Adobe Labs.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Installing Flex 3 Beta on Eclipse Europa J2EE, Part 2
To determine the nature of the problem, I decided to launch Eclipse Europa J2EE with the new Flex 3 beta installed. As it turned out, I did not see the Flex Perspective that I would have expected. In fact, I looked around the menus and around the Eclipse Workspace, but the Flex Workspace or icons were not present anywhere!
Not here, in the menus...
And it was not available in the list of perspectives.
So. I suspected that Flex "core" was not installed at all (combining what I observed with the error message in the log file).
Upon further research via Google, I found a following bug entry that describes the scenario I encountered. The link is at
It reads as follows:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Clean install of the Eclipse Europa J2EE version of Eclipse v3.3 directly from
Eclipse was started, but not updated from any of the build sites. A default workspace is established and the various perspectives checked for function.
2. Un-installation of the Flash CS3 Flash player 9 was executed at this point.
3. Install of the Flex 3 Plugin was executed from filename: "flexbuilder3_b1_win_plugin_061107.exe" This action was repeated with uninstalling the plugin and the eclipse install to confirm it.
Actual Results: The Eclipse installation log is as follows:
!SESSION 2007-07-10 06:16:12.562 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=I20070625-1500 java.version=1.5.0_11 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US Framework arguments: -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command install -from file:\D:\eclipse33\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in\ -featureId com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core -version 3.0.172437 Command-line arguments: -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command install -from file:\D:\eclipse33\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in\ -featureId com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core -version 3.0.172437 !ENTRY org.eclipse.update.core 4 0 2007-07-10 06:16:29.203 !MESSAGE Featurecom.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core 3.0.172437cannot be found onfile:/D:/eclipse33/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in/ or a newer version is already installed.
I tried to register for the site, and received a confirmation e-mail, but I was unable to login at this point in writing.
Looking at the Add...Remove Programs listing in my Windows Vista Control Panel revealed that the OS had at least registered that the Flex 3 Builder Plug-In had installed. Uninstalling Flex Builder 3 caused another error to be displayed...
Looking at the actual log entry revealed the following:
java.lang.Exception: There are no configured features with id com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core
...which basically meant that the plugin was not installed, so there was nothing to uninstall.
Additional searching showed that people had indeed installed Flex Bulder 3 beta on Eclipse Europa, just not the J2EE edition...
So I will try to install Flex Builder 3 on Eclipse Europa, classic edition, and see how that goes...
final update...
I finally got Flex Builder 3 beta to install on Eclipse Europa Classic 3.3.1 edition, and not the J2EE Edition. There were no problems during the installation, it just installed. So, I am concluding that the J2EE Edition Eclipse Europa currently will not install the Flex Builder 3 plug-in.
Next on my list, investigating the WTP (Web Tools Platform) option of Eclipse, and learn how it relates to Flex.
Installing Flex 3 Beta on Eclipse Europa J2EE Did not Install
After my previous investigation on installing Flex 2 on Eclipse Europa J2EE edition (which did not work), it prompted me to set up a Flex 3 beta environment with the same Eclipse Europa J2EE edition, which is still on my system (in a different directory then my Eclipse 3.1.x / Flex 2 installation).
Suffice it to say, it appears to installation proceeded further than when I attempted to install Flex 2.0.1 on Eclipse Europa. However, I got an installation error at the end of the process:
The installation dialog box stated that the installation process was complete, in spite of the error. So I opened up the log file to explore the error further. The log file had a cryptic filename (1187285806401.log) located in my D:\Program Files\eclipse\configuration folder.
Opening the file in Notepad revealed the following text (text cleaned up for clarity) -
!SESSION 2007-08-16 13:36:46.123 -----------------------------------------------eclipse.buildId=I20070625-1500
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_CA
Framework arguments: -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command install -from file:\D:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in\ -featureId com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core -version 3.0.172437
Command-line arguments: -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command install -from file:\D:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in\ -featureId com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core -version 3.0.172437
!ENTRY org.eclipse.update.core 4 0 2007-08-16 13:36:55.655
!MESSAGE Feature
com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core 3.0.172437 cannot be found on file:/D:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in/
or a newer version is already installed.
So, it could not find Featurecom.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core 3.0.172437 ? Or a new version was installed? I will write up my investigation on this in a separate article.
Just a reminder...this is my live, informal tech blog/journal...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Using What Once was "Flex 2 Data Services" from ColdFusion for Flex Applications
So here I am trying to figure out where ColdFusion 8's integrated LiveCycle Data Services fits within my development environment. It used to be simple. I installed what used to be called Flex 2 Data Services on an existing J2EE Server (such as JRun) and well, that was it. But how about if you have a J2EE Server (like Tomcat), with ColdFusion 8 as a J2EE Application, and it has (somewhere) what was Flex 2 Data Services, but is now branded "LiveCycle Data Services"? So begins my next point of investigation...
I decided to install the stand-alone version of LiveCycle Data Services -and voila, it appears that it installs as a J2EE application, just like the old Flex 2 Data Services. So far, so good. But I still suspect that I now have two copies of LiveCycle Data Services.
Here is an image below of the LiveCycle Data Services Admin tool, itself a Flex application.
I then continued my investigation by launching the sample application to give myself a quick review of the new services. The sample application appears to load an XML file into a data grid, seen below. What is interesting is that there is an option to view source. I tried it. It crashed my browser. Cool.
The second time around, I did get the source code, as seen below.
Ok, so far so good. So the standalone LiveCycle Data Services appears to function like Flex 2 Data I am going to check and see where it is (if possible) in CF8.
As it turned out, all I needed to do was ask one of my colleagues from New Toronto Group, Oliver Merk, who had already done the research -The short answer is that you can use ColdFusion's own webroot to work with Flex files (silly me, I should have just placed an .mxml file in there and ran it). For more info, look at his blog -
Now not only do I have multiple Eclipse installs, multiple J2EE installs (testing CF8 against multiple J2EE Servers) now I have multiple Live Cycle Data Service installs. Just goes to show you that redundancy helps.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Flex Builder 2.0.1 does not install on Eclipse Europa (J2EE, 3.3.x edition)
Well, I downloaded and installed Eclipse Europa edition (J2EE, 3.3.x edition) and proceeded to install Adobe Flex Builder 2.0.1 plug-in/SDK edition. Turns out that the Flex Builder install does not recognize Europa. The message is seen here.
So, I guess I am downloading Eclipse classic, and hopefully the install of Flex 2.x will run smoothly.
All of this is being installed on top of Windows Vista, running the J2SDK 1.6.2.
I also tried Eclipse "Classic" 3.3 edition (still looks like Europa, so I am supposing, not reading all the version names, that the J2EE version and the classic version are based on the same build) and again, installation of Flex did now work.
So now, I retrieved the 3.1.2 archived version of Eclipse. Let's see how that goes.
another update
Well, it appears that Flex Builder 2.0.1 works only with Eclipse 3.1.x. That's unfortunate. Now I have three installs of Eclipse. lol.
(yet) another update
I am just responding to Ryan Stewart's (from Adobe) comment about the fact he has Flex Builder installed on Eclipse Europa! I am not surprised, as I am sure that there must be a way to get it installed. But the installer does not seem to get me any farther (I tried the installation again on Europa, and got the same result).
Final Update
I got a response again from Ryan - he mentioned that in fact, he was using Flex 3 beta on Eclipse Europa (smile). So, in fact, Flex Builder 2.0.1 does not install on Eclipse Europa (at least until someone says otherwise again). So I will install Flex 3 Beta on my Europa build of Eclipse and confirm that it works - and I will also try Ryan's suggestion of implementing multiple SDKs (i.e. Flex 2.0.x and Flex 3) into the beta - that should streamline my system a little bit!